rézo sossio

cé pa la pène de te cassé la nénett :


kan ta pa envi de fer a manjé


Kan té tou seul é ke tu ve discuté


Kan ta fame te gonfle


Kan ton mari regard le foutt


Kan ta dé zami


Kan tan na pa 





Si tu nou sui sur internette, tu sra tenu o couran de tou lé zévèneman du fonétic : lé mnu spéssio , lé zanimassion , lé zaniversère ...é toultralala

Le fonétic

Le resto képa kom lé zotr

Le poisson voyageur

It's a pavement of fresh salmon top quality. It is not me who fished for it, but it comes to the same thing! And as you are nice, i add a risotto house.


allé zou : 18€

X  there is          there is not 

le déliss de cousto.

It one is spun by very fresh seabass news of which you will tell me. They dream about it on the calipso

                          especially with the risotto and about some



allé zou : 22€

X  there is          there is not

le kanibal de frétillan

it's a surprising mixture of raw salmon, lime and Ginger with pine-nuts, it will annoy you the taste buds


allé zou : 18€

X  yen na          yen na pu 

bona péti !

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